Sunday, October 17, 2010

I survived my first 2 weeks in Northern California! I found a cute little studio in Larkspur which is 2 miles away from work...gotta love the commute! EJ helped me get settled in and we were able to explore San Francisco for a couple of days before I officially had to start work. I've pretty much been working at least an hour of overtime every day which will be great for the paycheck! Management has already expressed to me how much they appreciate me moving up here and that they are really grateful which helps me to believe that I made the right decision to move up here. I wasn't able to really pack any furniture for the move so I ended up buying a futon. The picture doesn't do it justice (it is VERY comfortable to sleep on!) I didn't have an internet connection for the first week I was here, hence no updated blog, but I've finally gotten around to filling you in on how it is going so far. The first week was the hardest because I missed my friends and family and the pups and it was incredibly lonely. There were definitely some tears involved. This weekend I had some friends come into town for the Nike Women's Half Marathon. I decided that I would join them despite not having trained for it. However, I've been working out regularly after work since I don't have much else to do (no tv at the studio either! I have to watch all my horrible reality television shows on the internet!) It was an amazing experience and I would legitimately register to do it next year instead of crashing it. I didn't get to cross the finish line and get the Tiffany's necklace at the end but it was still exciting to know that I completed 13ish miles (3 of which happened to be in the rain) in 3 hours and 40 minutes! I feel surprisingly good and am ready to start the work week off tomorrow. I randomly have this upcoming weekend off and will be roadtripping to LA to visit friends and family!

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