We're getting ready for the Superbowl next weekend so we needed a dummy cake in our display case:
There is another contest between all of the stores. The store that gets the most requests for their dummy cake will win 2 fold: the decorator will win $25 and the store will win a "popcorn party" (details about popcorn party to be revealed only to the winning store) So I guess we'll see what happens! Yesterday was a pretty busy day at work. Our 60 quart mixer that costs around $60,000 broke the mixer paddle (not sure on the cost of a replacement) but I guess we can be thankful that the whole entire mixer didn't break! A new paddle is coming on Tuesday but in the meantime it just means double or triple times the work because all of our buttercreams that we make in extra large batches, now have to be done in our smaller mixer. We also had a cake decorating class last night where we showed 12 people how to frost a cake and to decorate it. Long day topped off by going to the Marin Brewing Company to get a burger and a beer with the other managers from work. I may have long days but I absolutely love my job. I always wake up and am always excited to go to work and never NOT want to go in. I am very fortunate and am grateful that although I do not make a lot of money, I have family and friends that love me and support what I love to do.